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August 16, 2024

Proposed Collaboration Between FRB Foundation and UB RIECO Office for Sustainable Outreach and Extension Services

Proposed Collaboration Between FRB Foundation and UB RIECO Office for Sustainable Outreach and Extension Services
From left to right: Ms. Michelle Ann Chomayag, President Mr. Justin Ray Bautista, Dr. Donnavila Marie B. Panday, and Ma’am Rachel Teofilo
Mr. Justin Ray Bautista, President of the Fernando-Rosa Bautista (FRB) Foundation, met with the Research Innovation Extension and Community Outreach (RIECO) Director, Dr. Donnavila Marie B. Panday.
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August 13, 2024 | By Michelle Ann Chomayag

A significant step towards enhancing community outreach and extension services was taken today as Mr. Justin Ray Bautista, President of the Fernando-Rosa Bautista (FRB) Foundation, met with the Research Innovation Extension and Community Outreach (RIECO) Director, Dr. Donnavila Marie B. Panday. The meeting marked the beginning of a promising collaboration between the Foundation and the University of Baguio, focusing on the revitalization and sustainability of community programs.

The meeting commenced with Mr. Bautista and Ms. Rachel Teofilo introducing the FRB Foundation’s programs and discussing their community activities. These activities, which had been paused due to the COVID-19 pandemic, are now set to be resumed, with the foundation eager to continue its mission of community support and development. The discussion highlighted the FRB Foundation’s commitment to helping communities through various programs aimed at improving quality of life and providing essential services.

Dr. Panday, representing the RIECO office, followed with an introduction to UB’s Outreach and Extension services. She provided an overview of the university’s ongoing activities and highlighted potential areas for collaboration between UB and the FRB Foundation. The discussions underscored a mutual vision to develop impactful and sustainable programs that meet the community’s needs.

This collaboration directly aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 4 “Quality Education” by focusing on literacy programs that aim to improve educational outcomes in various schools/communities. By enhancing access to quality education, the partnership contributes to breaking the cycle of poverty and empowering individuals with the skills and knowledge needed for personal and professional growth. Additionally, the FRB Foundation’s feeding programs address Sustainable Development Goal 1 “No Poverty” by providing nutritional support to children in schools, which is essential for their academic success and long-term well-being.

The meeting concluded with both parties agreeing to formalize their collaboration through a one-year Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). This agreement will enable the FRB Foundation and the University of Baguio to work closely together, ensuring the sustainability and effectiveness of their joint outreach efforts. This partnership exemplifies Sustainable Development Goal 17 “Partnerships for the Goals” by harnessing the unique strengths of each organization to deliver meaningful and lasting benefits to the communities they serve.

As both parties look forward to this collaboration, the partnership is poised to make a significant difference in the lives of many, reaffirming their commitment to community development and support.

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