
October 28, 2024

DepEd Teachers Participate in “Upskilling and Re-skilling of Supreme Pupil/Student Government Advisers on Office Productivity Tools for Empowered and Modernized Leadership II” Baguio City, Philippines – October 19, 2024

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By: Junamil Zamora and Sozita-mae Grace Lucio

On September 14 and 21, 2024, 87 teachers from various schools in Baguio City gathered at the University of Baguio’s F Building for the second part of the Upskilling and Re-skilling of Supreme Pupil/Student Government Advisers on Office Productivity Tools for Empowered and Modernized Leadership. This two-day workshop was organized by the Department of Education Schools Division Office of Baguio City, under the School Governance Operation Division, in collaboration with the University of Baguio, particularly the School of Information Technology (SIT).

Building on the success of last year’s initial training, the 2024 workshop aimed to further enhance the participants’ digital literacy and leadership capabilities. With a focus on Microsoft Office tools and Filmora, the sessions were designed to help teachers overcome technological challenges and integrate new tools into their classrooms and guide student leaders effectively.

Day 1: Exploring Microsoft Tools for Enhanced Productivity
Faculty from the University of Baguio’s SIT led interactive sessions, rotating between classrooms to train different groups of DepEd teachers on various topics.

Sir Meynard Soriano started his session with an engaging icebreaker before diving into Microsoft Forms. He highlighted the platform’s anti-cheating mechanisms and data security features, demonstrating how it surpasses Google Forms in terms of functionality for assessments. Teachers explored tools like QR code generation and presentation mode, which one participant noted would make classroom quizzes more engaging.

Meanwhile, Ma’am Hydi Toyeng guided participants through Microsoft Teams, introducing them to its communication tools and secure file-sharing capabilities. Teachers discovered how Teams’ version control and search-and-archiving features streamline collaboration. While some struggled initially with the platform, facilitators and peers provided timely assistance, helping everyone become more confident by the end of the session.

In another session, Ma’am Kristal Marcelo discussed pivot tables in Microsoft Excel. Despite some initial technical issues, participants were amazed by the simplicity of pivot tables for generating automated reports. Teachers mentioned that these tools would assist them not only in managing student grades but also in personal tasks, such as monitoring side businesses.

Though participants felt overwhelmed by the end of the first day, many were excited to apply their new skills. Facilitators reminded them to submit a video demonstration of one of the tools they had learned as a post-workshop deliverable in three weeks.

Day 2: Video Creation and Content Development with Filmora
The second day, conducted on September 21, 2024, focused on equipping teachers with video-editing skills using Filmora.

Ma’am Narag demonstrated advanced features, such as the Chroma Key tool, which allows for easy removal of green or blue backgrounds. However, some participants faced challenges when their computers unexpectedly restarted, causing them to lose their work. Instead of starting over, a few opted to submit simpler picture compilations. Several participants also expressed a preference for Canva, noting that it felt more user-friendly for beginners, though Filmora offered more professional editing options.

In a parallel session, Ma’am Graeven Videz guided participants through their projects, which often involved picture compilations of past events. Both Ma’am Videz and Ma’am Narag remained hands-on throughout the session, providing support whenever participants encountered difficulties.

Final Showcase and Reflections
The workshop concluded with a showcase of participants’ outputs, where facilitators praised their creativity and progress. Despite some participants encountering frustrations, such as losing their files during system restarts, they remained motivated and proud of their achievements. “I never thought I could create a video from scratch, but now I feel more confident to try new things,” shared one participant during the closing reflections.

Facilitators reminded everyone to submit their video demonstrations in the coming weeks to reinforce the skills learned during the workshop.

This year’s Upskilling and Re-skilling of Supreme Pupil/Student Government Advisers workshop built on the foundation laid in last year’s initial training, fostering collaboration, problem-solving, and digital literacy. Through the combined efforts of the DepEd Schools Division Office of Baguio City and the University of Baguio, the workshop empowered educators to adapt to technological changes and modernize their leadership approaches, ensuring that they remain effective facilitators in today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape.

The University of Baguio is committed to Sustainable Development Goal 4 (Quality Education), assisting basic education schools in providing quality education and helping the community and the country. Additionally, the collaboration between the University of Baguio and the Department of Education aligns with SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals), emphasizing the importance of partnerships in achieving sustainable development in education.

Moreover, the workshop indirectly addressed several other SDGs, including SDG 5 (Gender Equality) by ensuring equal access to upskilling for all teachers, SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) through enhanced productivity tools, SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) by promoting technological innovation, SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities) by providing equitable training opportunities, and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) by encouraging sustainable practices in education.

Through these initiatives, the workshop exemplifies a comprehensive approach to achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, fostering a more inclusive, innovative, and sustainable education system.

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